The Brand
"LIFEWTR is a premium bottled water brand committed to advancing and showcasing sources of creativity. We believe inspiration is as essential to life as water, because it unleashes our creative potential." - lifewtr.com
The Direction
It's said that when we die the four elements - earth, air, fire and water - dissolve one by one, each into the other, and finally just dissolve into space. This energy, this life force, creates the whole world. " - Pema Chodron
We subscribe to the idea that life is a collection of elements or moments and in those moments life is built.
We wanted a project to showcase those elements of life through creativity. LIFEWTR's branding typically follows a formula of white backgrounds and clean photography. With this campaign we aimed to expand this brand into more vibrant, eye catching imagery in conjunction with the idea of purity. By showing the purity of LIFEWTR through the elements that create life, the outcome of this campaign is to inspire people to drink LIFEWTR and to be aware of the things they drink.
The Process
Starting with a brainstorming session the group found the appeal of the LIFEWTR brand and believed we could produce a visual photo campaign. After producing some rough sketches the team worked on sourcing the material needed for each of the four different product shoots.
With the teams strength in photography, we established a goal to produce as many of the visuals in camera as possible. By creating physical reactions such as dry ice fog, colored powder, acrylic ink, and fire we captured many of these moments using high speed photography techniques.